“That was a beautiful performance! How about we do it again tomorrow?!”
The Florence Theatre was created in 2022 to offer GHDT audiences a complete theatrical dance experience within an intimate setting.
The Florence Theatre was dedicated on August 30, 2022, in honor and celebration of Florence Marie Hancock for her tireless passion, dedication, and sacrifice in the foundation of Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre.
GHDT is continually inspired by her remarkable legacy of love, kindness, and belief in the transformative qualities of art, and is humbled to honor her work and spirit with this designation at The Florence.
A special Capital Campaign Project was seeded by a generous grant and completed with a Seat Naming Campaign by dedicated GHDT patrons and donors. GHDT is grateful for their steadfast dedication and financial support and would like to thank the following individuals and organizations. Akindolapo Akinwande, John and Katie Brown, Steve Chaillard, Subir and Tuhina Chhakrabarti, Julie and Eddie Curry, Richard and Dawn Deahl, Caner Demirdogen, Linda Dietz, Michael Feinstein and Terrence Flannery, Kirsten Ferger and Ross Smith, Gregory Glade Hancock, David and Donna Hanning, Paul and Ivy Heazeltine, Terry and Debra Holloway, Larry and Michele Holzman, Michael and Gloria Hughey, Michael and Lily Kessler, Terry and Louise Lingner, Alfredo Lopez, Raj and Dheepa Maturi, Jeffrry C. McDermott, David and Lydia Moody, David and Lora Olive, Chandrika and Mihir Patel, Amy and Kay Pauszek, James and Jane Powers, Deborah Provisor and Leonard Voigt, Gabriel and Denise Salamie, Anindita Sen and Arup Roy, Deblina Sharma and Dhruv Biswas, Laura Soverns, Julie and Greg Turley, Nur Ungan, Michelle Wells, Dr. Abideen Yekini, Scott and Joanie Zigmond, Ortho Indy Foundation, Strada Education Network.
The Florence offers audiences improved raked production views, padded seats and tumbler holders, as well as improvements for performers with the velvet floor-to-ceiling wrap-around theatrical curtains, which provide new entrance, exiting, and cross-over functions. The digital lighting components also allow for expanded theatrical settings to enhance all productions and performances.
Among the theatrical improvements are three very special works of art created by three generous artists and patrons of GHDT
Mirvia Sol Eckert
Madhuchhanda Mandal
Mary Strinka